The very first person I built up enough courage to interview was The Heckler, who throws out of Merrickville, Sydney. Point in fact, Heckler was the first person I threw against during round 2 (they easily beat me), and also the first person who knew me from this blog. A little while after our match--and after I got a drink to calm myself--they were kind enough to do this interview:
How long have you been in Canada so far?
I got here Monday, so it's coming up on, I think, 4 or 5 days.
Is this your first IATC?
This is my second one. Came through last year on a wing and a prayer, and in this one I'm taking it all a bit more seriously.
How do you feel about your performance this year overall? Do you have any nerves or anxiety at the big show?
I feel like anyone who tells you they don't [have anxiety] is lying. I definitely have a few nerves, especially coming in having qualified for round 1 at the top of my venue, third in Australia. Like, there's a bit of the weight on me. But once you're in the lanes it all melts away and you just do what you gotta do.
I had the good fortune of throwing against you. You're a very hoppy person. Is that typical for you?
(Dear reader, let me clarify: when I say "hoppy" I do not mean that Heckler is like an IPA. I mean they don't stop moving around. I got tired just watching this thrower exist. Okay, sorry to interrupt. Back to the interview:)
If I just stand still, the nerves all boil up. So if I just get the hops out, get a little dancy, get a little jig going, it just sort of helps to mellow me out.
Obviously people have goals of winning, what are your other goals (my voice cracked when I said goals like I was in high school and you need to know that) in this tournament?
Honestly, just to stay in and throw as many axes as I can.
Winning is not really the biggest thing for me. It's about having fun and meeting incredible people like yourself, and throwing against them. Yeah. It's just about enlarging my own personal community in the sport.
Is there anything you wanna include in the interview for folks back home or anyone in general?
Yeah, I'm always gonna shout out my parents--I love my parents. Shout out to my brothers always encouraging me to do my best and a final shout out to my girlfriend Sienna. I love you, baby.
A great pick for an interview subject; a really nice guy, and a great role model. Puts in the hard work, and uses that near manic energy you mentioned to get around so many people to support them with genuine love and a cracking sense of humour. A real asset to the community.
Heckler is easily one of the nicest axe throwers (and person!) that I've ever met. No matter the situation always having the best time and just living his best axe life. One of Australias axe MVPs 💕