John did a lot of shouting and dancing whilst at the Stockyards, and I thought that made him a good target for interviewing. He was kind enough to give me just a liiiiitle bit of time for this chitty-chitty-chat-chat.
How long have you been throwing, and where do you typically throw?
About two and a half years, now, out of Revolution Axe Throwing out of Everett Massachusetts.
What were your goals today, outside of just doing well?
I didn't want to get swept.
So, this is your second IATC. How do you think your goals have changed--or maybe how to do you think your mindset has changed from the first IATC you did.
Well the first IATC I did was in Portlands, and that was definitely a wonky venue for me to come to, especially when coming from something so uniform back home.
Coming here I just feel so much more comfortable, like everything is just gonna fly - it just feels much more consistent, all the way across all the lanes. It's a lot like I'm just throwing back home.
I watched your first match. You're a very positive thrower. Your very excited to throw, to go for clutches. You're excited when your opponent does well. Is that something you've developed over time, or have you always been that way?
I have learned from one of the best mentors, in my opinion, Trash Bird back home - Chester - he's just such a positive person all the time. I just want to emulate that whenever I go to a tournament.
It's just more fun. You see so many people down in the dumps about how they're doing, and it doesn't help. You're only throwing what you're throwing in the moment. Forget everything else.
Outside of that great advice, what's one piece of advice you would want to give to someone who either has never done a big tourney like this, or maybe is going to read this interview later and is going to be closer to next year's IATC?
Play yourself, not your opponent. It's the only thing you gotta do.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Nah, I'm good. I'm here.