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The IATF Premier Throwing Hatchet (A first-touch review)

Writer: Matthew KabikMatthew Kabik

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

In an effort to reduce the number of times throwers attempt to claim a bunch of nails glued to a rod is an axe, IATF released two brand new axes to the market: the Premier (hatchet) and Federal (Big axe). And while I did not get the opportunity to buy one at the 2023 World Championship (because I wasn't there) (because premier is the bane of my existence), I DID get the chance to force a fellow league thrower to get one - Thanks, Chapman!


First, the tale of the tape: while I could repeat all the specifics, I choose instead to use the marvel of technology to pull them direct from IATF's website:

Features, benefits and specifics related to the IATF Premier throwing hatchet.
Image courtesy of a snipping tool and IATF

To me, none of those features or specs really get my board wet -- but they don't frighten me off, either. And that's a good thing: there is nothing bad about an axe know...fitting the bill.


In the hand, the Premier feels right. Well balanced and with a handle width that is just beyond feeling small (a note here, dear reader, as we've only just met: I've got little hobbit hands).

BUT HERE IS A CONCERN! DRAMA! The painted black handle is, even in my few minutes of holding it, sticky. I don't mean like it's adhering to my skin--but my mitts are clinging to it a bit more than what is comfortable. It doesn't feel smooth after the handle warms up to your hand. I haven't thrown it quite yet (that's later tonight), but I'll need to chalk a bit or find another solution.

I reckon this problem is on a case-by-case basis. Maybe some of you don't produce moisture from your hands like some reject X-man, but I do.


Next, let's talk about the shape of the hatchet head itself. Look familiar? I can't imagine why.

IATF Premier
WATL Corporal

I'm sure this comparison will be made fairly often, and to be honest I thought it would be a bit more 1:1, but truthfully, I don't think they are eerily similar. Like, if these two hatchets were dating you might be like "huh, I guess they do look a bit similar" but you wouldn't be like "have they checked out their family trees? Just to be sure?"

On appearance, the steel is good and well forged. It's got that IATF logo on it, so other throwers can recognize that you're, you know, a company resource. I like how thin the bade is at the bit, and I like how the poll looks. You know, kinda slims down like it's been working on itself. Working out 2-3 times a week. Good for you, Premier hatchet. Keep it tight.


The Premier hatchet, at least when I bought it, came with a handy sheath/face cover/little blanky for sleepy nap times. Again, it carries the IATF logo so you won't forget which axe you're staring at while working from home, dreaming of a life you could have with it if only the world understood.

I mean, it does what you'd expect it to do. I would prefer if it were designed to clip on to the head rather than slip on through the handle (just for speed and ease of use), but again, that's a personal thing. Like PBR or Natty Boh, or talking about axe throwing on a first date or having a second date.

I will say, at least in my case (almost a pun), the cover caught every so often when removing the hatchet. Not a big deal, but it's content and God help me, I can't just let that sweet, sweet observation pass me by.

I like that the axe came with a cover. I think it's expected, maybe, when buying a new axe, but I play around a lot with vintage/secondhand axes, so getting a brand new, made-for-the-axe cover is a little treat.


I bought this beauty for like, 55ish American dollars with tax. That very well may not be the final price (though it looks like it's 52.99 online). For a sub-100 dollar hatchet, I'm stoked on the build quality.

But--and it's a big ol' but, I haven't thrown the thing, yet. After I do, I'll let you know my thoughts and how it performed. That's future content, my friend. That's planning ahead.


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