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Tabletop Axe Throwing: Join the Adventure!

Writer's picture: C-manC-man

A rainbow background with Tabletop Axe Throwing RPG text and a black and white drawing of dice, graph paper, a pencil and other DnD ephemera.

Hey friends, it's been a hot minute since I've been on your screens but fear not I'm back with a new concept that may or may not have ripped off feats from other media.

Today I want to talk to you about the ultimate axe throwing game. Now I know what you're thinking:

Wait C-man, we already have axe throwing in VR isn't that as good as it gets?

You would be right, but wait until you get a load of this. I've been cooking up the ultimate axe throwing RPG.


Now, this is a work in progress, and I'm just spitballing a few ideas - but to name a few; 

  • Axe Effect: Throwdromeda

  • Axe Bandicoot

  • The Last of Axe

  • Axelands

  • Axe is Strange

  • Thrownite

  • The Elder Axes III: Throwowind 

  • Throws Recon: Wildhands

  • Throwhammer 81k

These names look familiar to you? I don't know what you're talking about, these are completely original names that came from the creative depths of my mind… I promise…

The story:

The land of Throwdor was once peaceful, the people spent their time perfecting the craft of axes and handle making, all to show off their creations and skills in the biggest event of the year: Axapalooza. This year, however, a dark force has taken over, many makers and competitors have been reported missing or worse… forced into servitude for the devil that is X Corp. 

X Corp has taken over the surrounding region and turned all the local venues into the same soulless chains; it's your job as the chosen one to reclaim the land and reinstate independent axe throwing. You'll take on X Corps selected champions, save your favourite makers, and benefit from special cameos from your favourite throwers.

Do you have what it takes?

Expected cameos (subject to change):

Goose needs your help to find 81 handles that were stolen and hidden across the land, find them all and you'll receive a grand prize to help take down X Corp.

Northern Axe Works has been taken prisoner by the demons of the south, find and escort the northerner to his home and he will aid you in your quest.

Philly Axe Co. was reported missing as X Corp began to take over, did he see into the future? Follow his trail of breadcrumbs and become his champion.

Browny and Stagger have been creating magical concoctions deep in the mountains but are missing the main ingredient, the Legendary Big Twig of Elderthrow. Find the ingredient and bring it to them.

An Axe League of Their Own have been silenced by the powers of corporate axe, help them get back on the airways to spread the word of the evils taking place throughout the world. 

The Axe Badger himself will be your tutorial guide, occasionally dropping hints to help you along the way.


Simple open world explorer, beat X Corps champions in timing based mini games and quick time events. Collect new and improved axes and gear as you level up. 

Nemesis - build an army as you free the lands of X Corps influence, put your favourite throwers against each other and see who wins chance based combat.

Walking through tall grass is dangerous, you never know when a wild axe thrower may appear.

Disclaimer: Any names, gameplay, and ideas in this post are purely fictional, any relation to real people or other games is purely coincidence. The views and opinions shared on this post do not reflect the views and opinions of the writer and producer. 

You're still here? Are you now thinking about the perfect axe throwing game? Throw some suggestions in the comments, as always. Thank you for reading and remember: Don't Yuck someone else's Yum.

Your friendly neighbourhood C-man.

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An axe throwing blog.

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