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Axe thrower(s) interview: the queens of Queensland.

Writer's picture: RYODHAI RYODHAI

Tex, Shrubbie and Saber in front of Battle Axe

I’m still pretty new to this sport, and very new to tournaments. In the few I’ve been to I’ve been very impressed with the strength of the Queensland women’s talent pool. While there are femme-identifying throwers as strong in other states, it’s the number at the top of the game right now, as well as the bevvy of rising talent from that state that I find striking. 

In trying to figure out what’s behind it all my attention was drawn to what seemed a formidable” Band of Sisters” sharing a special bond, and camaraderie; Saber, Shrubbie, and Tex, the Queens of Queensland. If this group wasn’t at the heart of the wave, surely they could help me learn what was. 

Firstly introductions (we’ve already met Tex in a previous episode) let’s:  

Get to know Saber 

Name Saber.  

Throwing name Also Saber. 

Story behind throwing name Just Saber. 

Where you throw  I throw out of Brisbane mostly Maniax Newstead and Lumberpunks Westend. 

How long you've been throwing Started my axe journey at Maniax just over 2 years ago now. 

What axes you throw I throw my Butcher for Bulls and Clutches and most people think I'm mad for it. For big axe I throw an Agdor Montreal that's been customised a bit for me. 

Proudest achievements My proudest achievement in axe throwing is easily the 1st place at last ditch in Melbourne (the disco axe is my favourite trophy). 

Personal goals

To win more games than I lose which l achieved over the APATC weekend after i achieve that the goal is always to podium. 

Training regime  Essentially I do 4 different throws, prem bullseye, prem clutch, big axe prem bull and big axe clutch. I do this in order, one throw at a time and if I miss any I start back from the start. The only shot I give myself 3 attempts at is big axe clutch and I tally how many times I get through it in a session.  

Tournament prep

Usually just preparing for the road trip making snacks and servicing the car.  

Keys to success The secret to winning is sometimes spite throwing if someone ticks me off 9 times out of 10 I'll go on to win the game but there's also the flip side of that where if I'm throwing against someone I like and we have good banter it just makes the game even more interesting. 

Advice for the hungry My advice would be to practice and try to throw against people you might not normally throw against have little friendly competitions with your friends and bet a drink on it or something. 

Take aways from APATC  APATC was an emotional roller-coaster for me whether that be lack of sleep or the extra pressure I don't know but I do know I need to go a little easier on myself and not sweat the small stuff. 

Get to know Shrubbie 

Name Clara Bush  

Throwing name Shrubbie  

Story behind throwing name  Just the nickname I got in high school from my last name.  

Where you throw  Based at Maniax Newstead in Brisbane, but will throw anywhere - including my backyard target.  

How long you've been throwing  Coming up to 6 years now. I started in April/May 2019.  

What axes you throw Currently for main I have an 81 axes NATF for bulls and a reaper for clutch which is just changed this week to a mini reaper. I also throw Cold Steels/Axegangs for doubles and tricks.  

Proudest achievements  In axing: probably my achievements in the women’s tournaments this year – 1st in Valhalla, 2nd last ditch, 2nd Bat Outta Hell, 4th APATC. Outside of axing - my kids.  

Personal goals I’m in a bit of a phase of just wanting to better myself all round, not just in axe throwing. But I’d really like to make top 4 in an open/majors style mixed tournament. I know us women can throw it just as well as the men and it’s time we all started making podium with them.  

Training regime I’m real bad at this. My ADHD rarely allows me to have a schedule haha. I have a backyard target that I try and throw on as much as possible. And then it’s usually before or after league and if I have some free time to pop in outside of that I do. I like trying to mix it up - currently I throw hatchet bull and clutch before retrieving.


Tournament prep I’ve kinda become the default organiser. I try and get out of it when I can but now it’s about sorting the process of actually getting there. Otherwise nothing different. Just practice and remind myself it’s just another day of throwing.  

Keys to success I don’t know if it’s the key, but I’ve found a strength in being able to just be happy to be there. When I came up against Saber from B bracket at last ditch, it was my first ever tournament finals. I was so happy I got there and that was enough and it took a weight off my shoulders. It wasn’t until I took the first game of 7 and then realised how close I was that I got nervous and failed under pressure. Saber is also a killer thrower so I thought I was doomed from the start to be honest. I think that mental shift has been huge but it’s also hard for me personally to maintain so I am working on that at the moment probably more than my technique.  

Advice for the hungry  Be open to suggestions and advice. Even if you think it isn’t going to work for you, give it a go. Worst case you will learn another thing that doesn’t work for you. And also just get amongst it. Do everything you physically, mentally and financially can.  

Take aways from APATC  Again, just a reminder of how strong the community is, and how many new people we have coming through. I love just hanging out with people and talking shit, both axe related and non axe related. 




What on earth is in the water up there? Brisbane is definitely developing as the next wave of talent in axe throwing, but at the forefront of that wave seems to be the woman-led talent.

The three of you are constantly jostling for podium positions at tournaments. This feels extraordinary can you put your finger on what if anything is different in the Brisbane scene? 

Clara - So… I don’t feel like this is a new thing. Tex and I have been around for a while now, and if you look back at the stats, we’ve always been in amongst those top throwers. I think it’s more that the women’s tournaments have brought attention to us… We seem to have good female representation in leagues in recent years also which is great. The last season we had 7/15 in Tues prem and 7/13 on wed. So, I think having the stereotypical ‘girl power’ at leagues has been great.

… I think the lack of tournaments in Brisbane forcing us to travel and play outside our backyard has helped. I know the whole venue took on a massive growth spurt when we got to go to IATC in 2022. 

Saber - I know from my experience coming up against incredibly talented throwers I had such a drive to be on that level. I think what it is, someone pulls ahead of the pack then we all work super hard to catch up to that, the competition is fierce and it always has been. Coming up against new people is what does it for us I think we're always innovating and also always helping each other where needed. 

Jenn - Yeah, I sort of agree with Shrubbie, we've been around since the early days of League in Brisbane, and the medals of various colours we all have would suggest that the success isn't necessarily recent, but we are definitely getting more attention than previously. We've been here the whole time, it's just that no one could see us. I think we've all made each other better and have also made each other want to be better. It's one of the best versions of 'competitive' because it works positively for all of us. 

I think you've arrived at a very special time, we've gone into team mode and have decided that WE are going to win. 

Clara - 100% this. Like after the gong, I think people saw me taking second again and were a bit ‘oh missed out again’. Mate, couldn’t be happier. If I was gonna lose I couldn’t be happier to lose to one of these two in a final. And I’ve done that both times pre Valkyries this year. I’m just happy to be there when we get down to the pointy end. (A fourth place trophy woulda been nice but I can’t have it all) Having all QLD in the b bracket quarter finals was a hoot too. I don’t like that we had to start taking each other out but the fact that all but one in the top 5 of B were QLDs is great.

Is the "Team Mode" you refer to all of the Brisbane throwers, or more specifically the three of you. I think I see a special bond between you three and I assume having that when you travel helps lift your spirits and energize you when you might otherwise falter? 

Clara - I think there has always been a bit of team Brisbane - but it’s definitely stronger between the girls. I think the three of us tend to get seen more because we are always travelling to events. But it’s not exclusive. We had Caley this year too who (i believe) we all backed too, and Axe Queen. It’s not an exclusive club or anything, I think we might just be the core team haha.


Jenn - Yeah I think it's very much team Brisbane / QLD (we are just a big 'small town' after all), but the W+NB comps and a few shared crappy experiences have made us a tighter group than we were before. 

Clara - In terms of supporting each other, I think we kinda all take it in turns. We aren’t all allowed to have a breakdown at once, we take it in turns.


I think it’s just a lot about being there when we need it. Building each other up when sh#ts falling apart. Sometimes just having beers or cocktails and a chat. Sometimes it’s fetching food and water for the remaining competitor to get them through. I can’t even really think of specific stories right now. It’s just nice to know we have each other’s back and we can have a laugh or cry together and then get back to it. 

Clara you said that first IATC was a watershed moment for the sport’s growth, can you talk more about that? 

Clara - It was an eye opener for us to go and see the level of throwing, equipment and general ‘vibe’. It was an eye opener to go from 7th at APATC to having my ass handed to me but it was f##king fun haha. It gave us lots to think about in terms of our throwing and at least made me want to work out how to be better. I think there was three of us from brissy. But I know there was a bit of a swell from people wanting to go the next year etc which also helps. We also are historically fairly small leagues so 3 was almost half at one point 

It also started the ‘travel for everything we can’ financial sinkhole I live in. 

Personal question, how long have you all been tournament junkies, what got you hooked? 

Saber - My first tournament was APATC last year and I haven't stopped since then. 

Jenn - IATC 2022, have been to almost everything since then. 

Clara - Mine was the first APATC I think which was just before IATC 2022 if I remember 

And same. If it’s a multi day tournament or marathon days I’ll try and be there. 

Craziest one I did was the Adelaide and Melbourne in two days (450 miles / 9 hour drive). 

And how many throwers from Qld are in the frequent throwers club with you guys, even if they don't make it to as many tournaments as yourselves? 

Saber - Jules, Lil, Cam, Nat and Ash maybe? If you guys can think of more let me know Pebbles used to but not so much anymore and Dibbsie tries but can't make it to much 

Connor and Cayley are just starting but I think they're getting the bug too 

Clara - Panda travels when he can too. 

Saber - Used to get Cath, Baz and Dardan too from GC but again less so now. 


Thanks for speaking with me and giving us some insight into your group dynamic. Best of luck with your futures in the sport, and personally I can’t wait to see you all up on the podium more and more in the coming months. 




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