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The Axe Badger Blog
Reviews, news, absurdity and tips.

Feb 46 min read
Axe throwing isn't dying, so stop thinking it is.
Every few months I come across a fellow thrower or a post on faceflop about how axe throwing is taking its last, desperate puffs of a...

Jan 304 min read
I messed up by thinking too much: a guide.
Yesterday was the fourth week of our Wednesday league. A day, dear reader, that I normally feel is a little special. A little treat...

Jan 213 min read
Great Axpectations: Set goals, but don't depend on 'em.
First, let me apologize for abandoning you last week. You see, I had the Norovirus, and I was only capable of sleeping and cosplaying as...

Jan 74 min read
Lane etiquette: are you polite, planning, or poopeh?
I did a lot of unnecessary work to get three "P" words in a line there that made even a little bit of sense, so be patient with me as I...

Dec 5, 20243 min read
We have a pro in every tourney. Here's how I reset expectations.
I have a big love for Bob, our resident pro-thrower. He cares about the axe throwing community we have, is always willing to teach and...

Dec 3, 20243 min read
Gang, I was hella sick. Throwing sick is ruff.
Today is the very first day I felt anywhere close to my typical, gregarious self. For the past...hell...12 days (!) I've been very, very...

Oct 2, 20243 min read
League Tourney Night: My 3 Goals
It's here: the one night every ~2 months that feels like a high school dance. Where the performance of the past 7 weeks disappears and I...

Sep 19, 20243 min read
Don't think twice, it's alright: stop doubting your 5th throw decisions.
I've noticed something, dear reader. As I shuffle around on this mortal coil and begin to get familiar with axe throwing in particular, I...

Aug 29, 20243 min read
The Absolute Freedom of a 100% Clutch Call League Run.
Dear reader, we all wanna win a bit. Maybe you haven't a single competitive bone in yer body, but there is at least a part of you - maybe...

Aug 24, 20244 min read
The Worst Types of Axe Throwers: An Unqualified List.
I know we're pretty lovey-dovey, everything is fun and great and everyone is fun and great and whatEVER here at Axe Badger headquarters,...

Jul 18, 20244 min read
Hey Gang, I Donked This Axe League Real Bad. That's Okay.
PERCEPTION, REALITY, AND THE FRUSTRATION OF KNOWING JUST ENOUGH. Well, dear readers, I want to admit something to you all: I kinda failed...

May 9, 20243 min read
Should there only be 1 option for hatchet/big axe in the sport?
One of the hallmarks of axe throwing across organizational bodies is the chance to throw whatever axe fits your throw/style/aesthetic...

May 3, 20242 min read
The Next Big Controversy in Axe Throwing: 3 Predictions.
We all remember the gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes stemming from the IATF making changes to axe requirements a while back....

Mar 20, 20243 min read
I Don't Understand IATC Qualification and I'm too Afraid to Ask.
Okay, listen. I love this sport. I love how quirky a lot of it is, I like that it's not perfect, and I like that we still have lots of...

Feb 2, 20245 min read
The Axe Venue is Dead. Long Live The Axe Venue!
Phil isn't the only small, round and hairy prognosticator, it seems. On Tuesday, I wrote up a little blog post about growth and decline...

Jan 23, 20243 min read
Tomorrow is League Tourney Time and I'm Preparing via the Transitive Property.
An odd quirk of having Meduseld Meadery as one's axe house is how they aren't open Monday or Tuesday. That means one can't practice at...

Jan 16, 20244 min read
Marathon Leagues: The Best Worst Thing in the Sport of Axe Throwing
Marathon leagues, in spirit, are something that everyone who loves the sport should be into. They overcome some of the most annoying...

Dec 4, 20234 min read
Is The IATF Code of Conduct Enough?
When you really like something, you become more and more willing to ignore when things about it aren't quite right. Axe throwing is, for...

Nov 16, 20233 min read
The Most Important Stat in Axe Throwing
is how many axes you own, amirite? I will tell you something that I suspect many of you have already surmised about your humble narrator...
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